6 Ways Enterprises Are Missing Out Without Employee Advocacy

According to Weber Shandwick, 50% of employees share content about their employer on social media from time to time. Whether you like it or not, employees use social networks to foster relationships, both personally and professionally. Leading enterprises recognize the value of employees using social networks, and formalize programs to encourage sharing corporate content to personal social networks.

But why are some enterprises holding back? Frankly, it’s just easier to forbid employees from sharing. This way, you don’t have to think about compliance and policies. By doing so, however, you’re missing out on tremendous value both operationally and in increasing revenue potential.

Millennials have taken over the workforce, and expect to communicate differently, with updated technology. If you’re not paying attention to their needs, and thinking about how to evolve your communication to the millennial mindset, you will quickly fall behind:


  • Interest in employee advocacy has grown 191% since 2013, with 45% of respondents naming it a top external objective (Source)
  • 16.6% of all firms have implemented a formal employee advocacy program (Source)
  • 53.3% of all firms are either piloting or considering options for employee engagement on social media
  • 31% of high-growth firms now have a formal employee advocacy program in place
  • 33% of employers encourage their employees to use social media to share news and information about the organization (Source)

As enterprises fight to attract and retain top talent, and create competitive advantages in their market, they’ll need to pay more attention to fixing core issues in communication. Employee advocacy solutions can help with this transformation.

We’ve put this resource together to give you a better understanding of what your enterprise is missing without an employee advocacy solution. In this ebook, you’ll learn about:

  • How you’re falling behind leading enterprises
  • How you’re limiting your brand
  • How you’re missing sales and revenue opportunities
  • How you’re not fully engaging your workforce
  • How you’re not maximizing your communication
  • How you’re not delivering the best digital experience to your employees.

Employee advocacy is a strategic and innovative initiative that enterprises are adopting to help evolve their communication. Communication is one of the biggest contributors to workplace experience, and many legacy systems at the enterprise are broken.

Employees have different expectations of how communication should be delivered. Bridging the communication gap, and consolidating internal and external communication in one central location for employees to access information is how leading enterprises are addressing today’s digital transformation.

As a leading enterprise, you don’t want to be missing out. A true employee advocacy solution creates one central location for employees to stay informed and engaged with company initiatives.

Isn’t that something you’d be interested in?

To learn more about the value you’re missing without an employee advocacy solution, download our ebook.

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