How Turbonomic Boosts Branded Content with Employee Advocacy

Daniel Ku

Turbonomic’s journey with employee advocacy started when they discovered a need to supercharge their social media reach. They realized that their employees were an untapped channel to amplify their brand message.

At Turbonomic, the marketing team asked: how do we maximize the reach of our content on social media by leveraging our employees? How does marketing become a driving force for the company? How do we get buy-in from leadership for employee advocacy? That’s where Turbonomic and PostBeyond met.

Learn about the Turbo journey with Andrew Racine, Sr. Director of Demand Gen and Digital Marketing at Turbonomic in our live webinar. He’ll provide actionable tips on how employee advocacy helped make their marketing team a driving force in your company.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • Key steps for launching a company-wide employee advocacy program.
  • Actionable tips on for sustaining high engagement with employees.
  • How to get leadership and employee buy-in for employee advocacy.

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