How To Create Relevant Content for Your Sales Team

Daniel Ku

As B2B marketers, we often spend our time meticulously planning, creating and promoting content to grow our audience and engage new prospects. But that well-crafted content often goes unused by sales teams.

Equipping sales with content can help establish thought leadership which has the power to start new conversations, build relationships with prospects and shorten sales cycles. The right content can pay dividends in your sales team’s pipeline.

PostBeyond’s Director of Marketing, Daniel Ku and Influence & Co.’s VP of Sales, Brittni Kinney will discuss how marketing can create content sales will love and how to make it easy for sales reps to find content and share assets with their prospects.

Watch this webinar to learn how to:

  • Align sales and marketing on what content to prioritize
  • Determine what content your sales team needs to engage prospects
  • Get your sales team to share content across social media

Access presentation slides here.

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