What in-demand tech skills do employers want to see?
Finding a job that best fits your skill-set isn’t always easy, especially with job descriptions often being filled with industry-specific jargon. If you’re on the lookout for a new job, or plan to be in the new year, research into the most in-demand skills can reveal what roles companies are looking to fill the most.
Here at PostBeyond, we’ve analyzed three tech job sectors – development, digital marketing and social media, to reveal the most in-demand skills listed in job posts.
What are the most in-demand skills?
From the 1,000 job posts analyzed, ‘knowledge in analytics’ has been revealed to be the most in-demand skill. If you’re after a desired job in digital marketing where knowledge performance and engagement tracking in programs such as Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics are key, this is a skill you should be working to hone in on as it featured in 37% of the applications analyzed. Analytics can also be used within social media, making it a great skill to have if you’re looking for a role within these industries. Positions that require skills in analytics could include head of analytics, marketing campaign analyst, and a project management apprenticeship.
The second most in-demand skill is ‘operating and communication with clients via Facebook’. Many different roles can utilize Facebook as it can be used in a multitude of ways – from posting updates and interacting with a brand’s customers and audience to the data analysis of how a user interacts on the platform. Whilst Facebook is predominantly featured in social media based roles, it is also used within digital marketing with posts for products or services, or directing traffic to a brand’s website through PPC and sponsored posts.
Agile, the software development and project management tool, is the third most in-demand skill, with 35% of the 1,000 posts analyzed mentioning it. Agile helps teams deliver value to customers quicker with less stumbling blocks.
The table below highlights the top ten most in-demand skills:
Skilled sectors
A developer role is the most skilled according to the analysis, with almost half (44%) of the posts analyzed requiring skills within this sector. The top in-demand skills include Java, APIs, LINUX, Scrum and Python.
The second most skilled sector is digital marketing, with almost a third (29%) of the posts analyzed mentioning a skill within this industry. Social media is the third most skilled sector, with over a quarter (26%) of job posts requiring a skill in the industry.
Skills on the rise
Whilst blogging, TikTok, Snapchat and photography skills seem to be popular in our social lives, they do not appear in the top 30 for most in-demand skills in job posts. Blogging comes in 38th place and photography is 45th, suggesting that these skills are not needed as highly when it comes to applying to social media job roles.
So, what sought-after skills in the tech industry do you possess that could lead you straight into your next role?
PostBeyond analyzed a sample of 50 job listings from each job sector to create a list of the typical skills required. We then scraped approximately 1,000 listings from each sector and counted the occurrences of each skill. Data pulled November 2020.
You can find the data here